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What is a Good Shirt to Print On?

We often get requests to analyze shirts for manufacturers. I can tell you that some folks like Hanes and SanMar actually do care about you printers out there and try to make sure their products can be decorated. They don’t always fully succeed but they are definitely trying hard and often with great results. Other clueless manufacturers seem to just put out fabrics that may look fashionable but are a nightmare or even impossible to print and/or embroider.

So what makes a good shirt to print on?

– Doesn’t scorch under a flash in under 7 seconds

– Doesn’t produce too many lintballs. Lint causes holes in the print or stopping to clear such spots out of the screen  It also can clog the pallet adhesive too rapidly

– Doesn’t excessively fibrillate (i.e. cause that frost look through decently printed decent black ink.)

– Doesn’t excessively dye migrate through white ink

– Doesn’t excessively shrink under a flash cure

– Lays flat

– Tight enough weave for halftone dots to have a place to land

– Doesn’t cause any issues with ink adhesion

– Can be cured within normal tolerances in a conveyor oven (dryer) without causing scorching.

That all said, fashion and comfort drive this business and we all have to find ways to print on shirts that are less then ideal.


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