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Misdirected Monday, the Sox Stink

Reported in the Boston Herald is that there is a guy selling hockey related shirts, a brand he calls Stinky Socks. If you play hockey, all your stuff usually stinks. You sweat, you put your gear in a bag, and typically you don’t wash it often enough. Hence the hockey sticks logo with the name “Stinkysocks.”

The Red Sox are fighting his trademark application. I can’t see them winning on this one, any more than they have been winning games this year (can you say, “First to Worst?”) Either they lose this fight with him, or they have to admit that far and wide they are known to be terrible and are the Sox that Stink.

I’m personally a Yankee fan, but I think the whole thing stinks. Let the guy make his clever shirts and Boston should concentrate on improving their team so there will be no mistake on who are the the Stinky Socks or Sox.


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